Press release | Education | 8 September 2022

STEAM Hub Siemensstadt Square promotes Growth Mindset – Announcement: Make@thon “Mobility of Tomorrow” for Young People in Berlin

How can mobility become better, fairer and more sustainable for everyone? At the STEM Make@thon "Mobility of Tomorrow", from 22 September to 1 October in Berlin, students will get to the bottom of this question.
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Prices for fuel, gas and other energy sources are rising due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. This, in addition to the climate crisis, will have an impact on our mobility behavior. Students from 9th grade and up from Berlin will develop approaches that contribute to the mobility transformation at the STEM Make@thon “Mobility of Tomorrow” challenge, that is sponsored by Siemens Stiftung and conducted by the University of Osnabrück.

Sustainability can be learned. Those who understand the causes of climate change can find new ways to limit it and adapt to its already unavoidable consequences. STEM subjects in particular provide the scientific foundations and skills to solve the challenges in a volatile, uncertain, and complex world shaped by digital technologies. High-quality, hands-on STEM education enables students to actively shape the urgent ecological, social and economic transformation.

Here the STEAM Hub Siemensstadt Square ties in with various activities and creates spaces of opportunity for growth and change. It integrates operational projects in cooperation with different actors from educational practice, science and civil society and along the entire educational chain. The long-term goal is to promote lifelong learning as well as educational equity and equal opportunities. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a thematic framework for these initiatives where contributions are made from different perspectives.

STEM Make@thon “Mobility of Tomorrow”

At the STEM Make@thon “Mobility of Tomorrow”, from 22 September to 1 October 2022 at the A32 Entrepreneursforum Siemensstadt Square Berlin, students from grades 9 to 13 develop their own solution approaches for a sustainable mobility transformation. In the innovative premises, participants have access to 3D printers and experimentation sets, among other things, to make prototypes of their products and solutions. At the closing event on 1 October 2022, prizes will be awarded to the best results.

Participation in the Problem Solving Challenge is still possible. Registration (German)

International Peer Exchange for Early STEM Education

International Dialogue on STEM Education (IDoS) facilitates a systematic exchange of leading organizations in the field of STEM education for sustainable development in early childhood. The network sees itself as an ecosystem for educational innovation and sustainable transformation and repeatedly publishes position papers for experts and others interested in the topic. From 10–11 October 2022, the IDoS peer network will meet in Berlin. IDoS is an initiative of Siemens Stiftung and the “Haus der kleinen Forscher” foundation.

“Design Thinking in STEM” training courses for teachers

In cooperation with the Hasso Plattner Institute/School of Design Thinking, training courses for STEM teachers on “Design Thinking in STEM” will be held starting in fall 2022. The training sessions, held in a blended learning format, focus on the application of the design thinking approach based on concrete questions around the UN Sustainable Development Goals and provide practical exercises and techniques for STEM teaching.

Pre-registration for STEM teachers is possible. Information about the training dates will then be sent automatically by e-mail. Pre-registration (German)

KiQ – working together for daycare quality

When discovering and exploring become part of everyday life! This is the motto of “Haus der kleinen Forscher” foundation’s new “KiQ” program, which supports daycare teams in making discovery and research-based learning with children an integral part of their everyday work. In terms of holistic development support, educators also learn how to combine early STEM education with other educational areas such as language instruction or sustainability. Starting in fall 2023, Berlin daycare centers in and around Siemensstadt Square will have the opportunity to participate in the training program, which will last several months. The related information event on KiQ will take place in fall 2022.

Please register for the information event here: Initial information can be found at (German). More will follow in the upcoming weeks.

Siemens Professional Education and the Siemensstadt Square project team support the implementation of STEM activities in Siemensstadt Square.

If you are interested in the activities at STEAM Hub Siemensstadt Square, please contact Julia Kirchweger, Head of Media Relations at Siemens Stiftung:


STEAM Hub Siemensstadt Square
Siemens Stiftung’s STEAM Hub Siemensstadt Square in Berlin opens up spaces for collaborative learning and creation. As a Think and Do Tank, it enables knowledge transfer between local and global educational practice and brings international best practices to schools, anchoring sustainability and a positive culture of digitality in the neighborhood. STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) in particular, prepare students to solve challenges in a volatile, uncertain, complex as well as digital world. In various projects, students and teachers from Berlin work on current issues and their solutions, which have a direct impact on-site.

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