International Dialogue on STEM Education
International STEM Network for sustainable development

Innovative STEM ideas crossing borders
Education, and STEM education for sustainable development in particular, is essential for preparing children for thriving in a quickly-changing world. This belief unites education stakeholders around the world, whether they work in research or in the classroom. There are several national initiatives and programs that advance early education in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects. Mostly missing has been an international dialog among stakeholders – until now. In a globalized world that can only address great challenges through international cooperation, it is essential to share concepts and practices for early childhood and scholastic learning.
Sustainable from the start: Early childhood STEM education in focus
Together with the foundation Stiftung Kinder Forschen and under the patronage of the German UNESCO Commission, we launched the biannual International Dialogue on STEM conference in 2017 to learn from each other through the exchange of new ideas and inspiration. Since then, our initiative has expanded and become a peer network that makes systematic and regular interaction at an international level possible: Anyone involved can learn from and with global leaders in early childhood STEM education (known as “IDoS Peers”) and make national efforts in this field more efficient, effective, and evidence-based.
Based on global future competencies
The network is aligned with global education and sustainability goals as defined by the OECD Learning Compass 2030 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Participating organizations working within their own national networks join the IDoS network in supporting an “ecosystem for education innovation” in which STEM education (for sustainable development) can be developed, professionalized, and impactfully implemented on a global scale.

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»No Demon, no saviour«: New IDoS white paper dispels myths about digital media
Sharing expertise and shaping the future together
IDoS Peer Meetings 2021 - 2023
Starting in June 2021, leading education organisations meet for an international peer dialogue on STEM education. There are currently six members: Siemens Stiftung, Stiftung Kinder Forschen, Smithsonian Science Education Center, LUMA Finland, La main á la pâte and Office for Climate Education. The network, which shares best practice from education work around the world, is constantly expanding.
IDoS 2019: Conference on STEM education for sustainable development
Common goals
2019 was also the first time the conference published a position paper, “Using Science to Do Social Good: STEM Education for Sustainable Development,” which cemented the commitment of all signatories within the international alliance.
Video Series: Watch our peers explain how the IDoS network has supported their projects.

»Working with our international network is the best way to create permanent momentum in the global education system«
A solid team for STEM education
Become part of our international STEM Network
Are you interested in becoming a part of our international network, or would you like to learn more about it? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Project manager international networks
Badin Borde
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