News | Development Cooperation | 12. April 2022

Report on “Testing E-Mobility Business Models at WE! Hub Victoria Limited in Kenya”

The report is based on data from the social enterprise WE! Hub Victoria Ltd., which rents out electric motorcycles in the Lake Victoria region.
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Siemens Stiftung and its social enterprise WE! Hub Victoria Ltd are publishing a report on business model tests carried out on leasing models for electric motorcycles. The data were collected in the region around Lake Victoria in Kenya from March to October 2021, with a focus on customer acceptance and product use, with the support of the German development agency Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Mobility is essential for social development: It facilitates access to employment, markets, social institutions and healthcare. At the same time, the mobility sector is also one of the principal sources of CO2 emissions. Electromobility offers a means to promote this sector in a manner that is both innovative and sustainable. However, there is very little data available surrounding such electromobility solutions, particularly for business models in rural and peri-urban regions in countries in the global south.

Siemens Stiftung supports the transfer of knowledge and data between business enterprises, state institutions and other key actors in sub-Saharan Africa. The report on “Testing E-Mobility Business Models at WE! Hub Victoria Limited in Kenya” is one of several studies that provide current data on social, ecological and economic effects, business models, training requirements and the necessary charging infrastructure in the field of electromobility. The published reports are freely accessible in order to support the scaling of e-mobility in Sub-Saharan Africa.

You can download the report here:
