Forum Education Digitalisation
Embracing digitalization and its educational opportunities

Overcoming challenges in education, such as how to handle increasingly diverse groups of learners, demands that we embrace the digital transformation and use it to increase participation and equal opportunity around the world. We have accepted this challenge and are working with the Forum Education Digitalisation on solutions.
Embracing digitalization and its educational opportunities
The Forum Education Digitalisation is a platform for constructive dialog on education as we navigate the digital transformation. The forum seeks to consolidate public discussion on the process of digitalization in education, creating a pedagogically-driven strategy for the German education system. Siemens Stiftung and five other renowned German foundations are co-founders of the forum.
The founding members invite anyone sharing this belief to join the discussion with the Forum Education Digitalisation, which seeks to bring together all relevant stakeholders in the field of education for mutual learning and collaboration. This includes everyone from political and administrative decision-makers to those working directly in the field.
In 2019, Forum Education Digitalisation is focusing on three key strategic fields:
Based on practical experience, the field of action “Products for good schools in the digital world” forms the cornerstone of our activities. Together with educational practitioners, scalable assistance is created that is further developed and transferred in networks using a community approach. On the basis of the associated knowledge and the associated impact, we make concrete recommendations to politicians and decision-makers and help shape the framework conditions – from practice for practice
Our role
Linking digital media, STEM, and values
Siemens Stiftung plays an active role in the forum, contributing expertise in education and digitalization as well as experience with al Open Educational Resources (OER). Our Media Portal has provided teaching materials for science and technology lessons since 2009. It contains more than 3,200 high-quality OER for STEM lessons, making us pioneers in this field in Germany. These materials also highlight the importance of inclusion and value formation in our work.

»Digital inclusion is more important than ever: the only people who can become fully involved in a society are those who are digitally included.«
Dr. Nina Smidt, Managing Director Siemens Stiftung
Take part and move forward
There are now ten foundations in the Forum Education Digitalisation:
- Deutsche Telekom Stiftung
- Dieter von Holtzbrinck Stiftung
- Bertelsmann Stiftung
- Vodafone Stiftung Deutschland
- Dieter Schwarz Stiftung
- Joachim Herz Stiftung
- Robert Bosch Stiftung
- Siemens Stiftung
- Wübben Stiftung
- Heraeus Bildungsstiftung
Would you like to work with us? Or do you have any questions?
Project manager Forum Education Digitalisation
Corinna Hartung
+49 89 540487 325
Managing director Forum Education Digitalisation
Ralph Müller-Eiselt
+49 (0) 30 5858466-66
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