Dr. Nina Smidt, Board of Directors
Dr. Nina Smidt
Managing Director and Spokesperson of the Board of Directors at Siemens Stiftung
2023 | Konrad Fersterer | Siemens Stiftung
Social Entrepreneurship | Ghana, Africa, Uganda
Call for R&D in E-Mobility
Demonstrating an e-cargo bike to students in Accra.
2023 | Impact Hub Accra
Social Entrepreneurship | Ghana, Africa, Uganda
Call for R&D in E-Mobility
Studenten*innen präsentieren ein 3D-Modell der Ladestation, die sie während eines Workshops zur E-Mobilität in Accra entwickelt haben.
2023 | Impact Hub Accra
Social Entrepreneurship & Knowledge Sharing | Social Entrepreneurship | Africa
SESA Call for Entrepreneurs 2022
Making Solar PV systems available to facilitate the supply of solar energy in rural communities.
2023 | Green Ventures
Social Entrepreneurship & Knowledge Sharing | Social Entrepreneurship | Africa
SESA Call for Entrepreneurs 2022
Providing solar pump irrigation systems to support smallholder farmers in Northern Malawi.
2023 | Smart Energy Enterprise (SEE)
Social Entrepreneurship & Knowledge Sharing | Social Entrepreneurship | Africa
SESA Call for Entrepreneurs 2022
Econexus distributing their bioethanol and cookstoves to local businesses.
2023 | Econexus
Social Entrepreneurship & Knowledge Sharing | Social Entrepreneurship | Africa
SESA Call for Entrepreneurs 2022
Nastech solar generators are used in restaurants to provide electricity and for cooking
2023 | Nastech
Science & Technology Education | Education, Social Entrepreneurship | Ghana, Africa
AccessSTEM program launch at Kibi Presbyterian College of Education in Kibi/Kyebi, north of Accra.
Science & Technology Education | Social Entrepreneurship, Education | Ghana, Africa
Students get access to digital learning material at Kibi Secondary Technical School.
Science & Technology Education | Education, Social Entrepreneurship | Ghana, Africa
BLUETOWN employees train teachers on how to use the digital resources.