News | Education | 29. June 2022

Fourth international conference on climate change education and sustainable development launches

The conference will focus on adaptation to the effects of climate change.
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The fourth international conference on climate change education and sustainable development opens June 29-30 in Mexico and continues July 14-15 in Colombia. Teachers, scientists, and policymakers will exchange ideas on how to better integrate climate change education into the curricula of Latin American countries. The conference is organized by the Center for Climate Science and Resilience (CR)2, Universidad de Chile, INNOVEC from Mexico, STEM Academia from Colombia and the international foundation Siemens Stiftung. 

The conference will focus on the question of how education can help societies adapt to the changes caused by climate change. “Faster than expected, climate change requires social, economic and ecological transformation. In this process, education plays a fundamental role. Education is an engine that drives children and young people to understand and analyze local and global problems, to contribute ideas, and to participate in the search for solutions,” explains Dr. Nina Smidt, Managing Director and Spokesperson of the Board of Directors at Siemens Stiftung.  

Many of the lectures, panel discussions and workshops will also be broadcast online.  

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