Press Releases & News

News | 11 July 2024
#15Voices #1Vision: Bridging the digital divide
“Preparing the future generation for a successful life in a digital world is the most sustainable goal.” – In our video series “15 Voices – 1 Vision”, Ralph Müller-Eiselt, CEO of Forum Education Digitalization, emphasizes that setting the right course in the area of digitalization offers enormous opportunities for greater inclusion and participation.
Notice | 08 July 2024
#15Voices #1Vision: Skills for the 21st century
"STEM skills are crucial to mastering social challenges." –­ Olivia Serwaa Opare, Director of STEM Education at Ghana Education Service, shares in the video series "15 Voices - 1 Vision" how new methods in STEM lessons are strengthening critical 21st century skills.
News | 01 July 2024
“15 Voices – 1 Vision”: Prologue with Dr. Nina Smidt and Dr. Nathalie von Siemens
For 15 years, we have been committed to sustainable social development. In the video series "15 Voices 1 Vision", we introduce you to 15 inspiring personalities from our network who not only reflect upon the years of collaboration, but also look forward. Dr. Nina Smidt and Dr. Nathalie von Siemens open the series.
Notice | Social Entrepreneurship | 19 June 2024
Innovation hub at Lake Victoria: social enterprise WeTu publishes first impact report
WeTu, a social enterprise founded by Siemens Stiftung in Kenya, develops innovative solutions for sustainable energy, clean drinking water, and e-mobility on Lake Victoria. The Impact Report 2023 provides insights into the company’s social impact.
Notice | Education | 28 May 2024
Mind the Gap!” – How to achieve educational equity in the digital world
Digital media and AI offer great potential for teaching and learning, but do not automatically change educational opportunities. To enable equitable participation, a shift in mindset is required. How this can be achieved was the topic at the German KonfBD24 conference.
News | Social Entrepreneurship | 28 May 2024
Female Health & Hygiene Accelerator announced on Menstrual Hygiene Day
Over 500 million women and girls worldwide struggle to access resources for menstrual health and hygiene. To address this challenge, Siemens Stiftung is partnering with Cewas and Seecon Impact to launch the first Female Health & Hygiene Accelerator for Kenya, Uganda, and Ghana.
News | Social Entrepreneurship | 22 May 2024
Goodcast #53: „Water as a source of life“
Clean water is a human right and a driving force for sustainable development. In a podcast with Julius Bertram, Dr. Nina Smidt explains how locally rooted social enterprises are making a crucial contribution to reducing the water supply deficit in Kenya.
Notice | Education, Social Entrepreneurship | 22 May 2024
4GAMECHANGERS conference: Paving the way for a green future
At the 4GAMECHANGERS conference in Vienna, Dr. Nina Smidt's keynote “Charting the Course of Green Transformation with Education and Social Entrepreneurship”, highlighted initiatives in Africa that build 21st-century skills and drive zero-emission mobility.
News | Arts & Culture | 21 May 2024
Pan-African trade show comes to Kigali
Registrations for the 2024 edition of the Music In Africa Conference for Collaborations, Exchange and Showcases (ACCES) are now open on a first-come, first-served basis. This year’s ACCES takes place in Kigali, Rwanda, on 15 and 16 November.
Notice | Education | 21 May 2024
#IchStehAuf – Schools for democracy and diversity
On June 6 and every day, we stand for equal opportunity education and respectful coexistence, because this is the only way to create an open and sustainable society. That is why we support the #IchStehAuf (#IStandUp) campaign of Robert Bosch Stiftung and Heidehof Stiftung.