Our partners A strong network for sustainable development

We work with over 200 partners worldwide. This group includes stakeholders from civil society, philanthropy, government institutions, research, education and cultural institutions, and development cooperation organizations. We develop joint ideas and concepts across national borders and implement them in projects and initiatives. By adopting this approach, we enable our activities to achieve the greatest possible positive impact on society.

Here you can find an overview of the current partners of Siemens Stiftung.

UNA Departamento de Artes del Movimiento Arrow Icon

Universidad Central de Venezuela Arrow Icon

Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela Arrow Icon

Universidad Nacional de Colombia Arrow Icon

Universidad Nacional de Colombia Arrow Icon

Universidad Nacional de las Artes, Argentinia Arrow Icon

Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela Arrow Icon

UV Escuela de Cine, Chile Arrow Icon

Cross-foundation partnerships

In interdisciplinary networks, we advocate for a responsible and impact-oriented foundation sector that actively contributes to sustainable social development.