
Here you’ll find an archive of all our press releases, news articles, and background reports. In addition, videos, photos, and some of our other publications provide you with deeper insights into our foundation’s work.

Press releases & news


LA ESCUELA___ announces the Results of the “Building Schools___Public Spaces” art and architecture competition


Forum Bildung Digitalisierung Conference – Equal opportunities in the face of the digital divide


Siemens Stiftung and MINT-EC launch new health cluster to promote (mental) health through STEM lessons


“Communal Cartographies”: exhibition April 11 to June 1 in Caracas

The IDoS peers share a common vision of educational innovation in early STEM Education.

Press release | Education | xx April 2023

“Agents of change”: New learning paper by International Dialogue on STEM Education

The six member organisations of the International Dialogue on STEM Education release a learning paper: “How can networks help encourage the development and professionalisation of innovative early STEM Education in a changing world?” The paper highlights the impact of networks among diverse actors and initiatives engaged in early STEM Education.

Press release

Courage & Innovation – Siemens Stiftung’s new podcast

Dr. Nina Smidt hosts experts from our international network for 15-minute conversations about inspired and inspiring innovations for sustainable development.

Social Media

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Background stories & interviews

Interview | Education |

#Bildungswende: «We want children to become active shapers of their future!»


Development Cooperation | December 2020

Environmental Impact of E-Mobility in the Lake Victoria Region, Western Kenya

The new study seeks to establish the potential of Greenhouse Gas abatement in addition to any other environmental benefits accruing from the adoption of e-mobility. The findings have led to three fundamental recommendations.

Read digital edition

Education | November 2020

Climate Change Education in Latin America

This brochure reflects the joint commitment of Siemens Stiftung and its partner organizations and includes best-practice approaches in STEM and climate change education.

Read digital edition

Development Cooperation | October 2020

Social Enterprises as Job Creators in Africa

The comprehensive study by Siemens Stiftung and GIZ examines how social entrepreneurship can create jobs in 12 African countries between 2020 and 2030. Study – Part I: Main Report.

Read digital edition

Press inquiries