News | Arts & Culture | 2. November 2015

MOVIMIENTO SUR: Lab on contemporary dance in Chile

MOVIMIENTO SUR has been bringing artists from throughout Latin America together in temporary academies since 2012. On the basis of contemporary dance and its potential for innovation, young artists come together in laboratories to work on current social issues and develop new ideas and projects as part of a cross-discipline dialog.
MOVIMIENTO SUR will take place from November 18 to 20, 2015. Participants will work together and focus on how to deal with criticism and feedback: How are communication and feedback concepts integrated in today’s practice of art? How can performing artists receive helpful criticism in the course of their work? And the other way around, how can someone from another artistic or social circle influence the artist’s work?
Choreographers, architects, theater directors, sociologists, philosophers or writers whose work focuses on movement will work together during MOVIMIENTO SUR in Santiago de Chile. The moderators and feedback group includes the Argentinian author and playwright Cynthia Edul, the Brazilian choreographer Marcelo Evelin as well as curators Catarina Saraiva from Portugal and Rocío Rivera Marchevysky from Chile.
The next two-week academy is planned for June/July 2016.

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